I'm working on a chat application called weave. The goal is to build a comprehensive assistant to help you get meaningful value from your bookmarks that get you closer to your goals.
I collect a lot of bookmarks on . I always have great intentions for them. Realistically, I never get round to doing anything with them.
weave is my attempt to build an enjoyable way of interacting with your bookmarks. But you don't just want to read your bookmarks again, you want to extract and synthesize value for your own work. You want to move your goals forward.
So, I'm building weave - a chat assistant that is there to help you find the content you need, that sees what you see as you scroll through that content and can answer your questions, do research, execute useful tasks that actually drive value in your life from your bookmarks.
This project has me very excited for where it could go. I've got to show some restraint and not pile on every cool feature I could dream up. I'm starting with the most minimal version of the idea and will add new features based on feedback from all of you!
The initial version of the app will be able to:
Any other features will be skipped for now. I really want to explore this interactive "sitting next to a friend" experience and see what people like/dislike about it. Then I'll add features as we figure out what is good about it.
With that said, I have been thinking about directions this could go...
weave is built by Adrian (me). I am live tweeting the entire process of building weave. I'm trying to build a community around weave to help me explore this way of interacting with knowledge.
I think the weave UX for interacting with knowledge has potential. To reach that potential I need to find other people who are excited about this way of working. With your feedback I aim to build a truly useful partner that can help you make the masses of information you find online more useful to your actual goals.
I'll only send you emails when I launch weave. You won't have to wait long anyway